The Journées Pérovskites Halogénées (JPH) is a benchmark event for the halide perovskite community in France organised by the CNRS GDR HPero. Designed for all, students, engineers, teacher-researchers and researchers, technicians, from both academia and industry, this event counts tutorials, a plenary lecture, guest lectures, oral presentations and posters of recent results from research laboratories. Since 2015, each edition of the JPH has brought together for a few days around a hundred specialists in the field to discuss a variety of multidisciplinary subjects such as: the formulation of new perovskite materials, their shaping into thin films, their fundamental electrical and optical properties, their integration into devices (sensors and solar cells among others) and the associated physics. The conference will be held at the Villages Vacances Cap France Roz Armor in Erquy from the afternoon of March 19th to the morning of March 21st 2025 included.
The booklet of the 2025 edition of the JPH is now available: booklet.
Confirmed invited speakers
Plenary session
Maryna Bodnarchuk Laboratory for Thin Films and Photovoltaics EMPA - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Dübendorf, Switzerland
Zhuoying Chen Laboratoire de Physique et d’Étude des Matériaux (LPEM) ESPCI Paris - PSL, France
Eric Gros D’Aillon CEA-Leti (Laboratoire d'électronique et de technologie de l'information), Grenoble, France
Frédéric Sauvage Laboratoire de Réactivité et Chimie des Solides (LRCS) Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France
Hai Son Nguyen Institut des Nanotechnologies de Lyon (INL) Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France
Stefania Cacovich Institut Photovoltaïque d'Ile-de-France (IPVF) CNRS, Palaiseau, France
George Volonakis Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes (ISCR) Université de Rennes
Registration and fees
Registrations to JPH 2025 are now open. Once the registration is completed, the payment will be requested in a second step current January 2025. Please note that the total number of participants is limited to 80 and places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Fees includes housing and meals from Wednesday 19 March afternoon to Friday 21 March morning (lunch included) in the holiday resort Villages Vaccances Cap France Roz Armor at Erquy, as well as bus shuttle from and to Lamballe train station on March 19th and 21st.
Fees (excluding VAT):
- Student and PhD candidates (double room housing): 300€
- Postdoc and Permanent researchers (single room housing): 400€
- Exhibitors and industrials: 600€
Payment is possible by credit card or ordrer form (Bon de commande, only for French academic labs).